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Kelly Kim, U.S. Department of the Interior

Region 5 - Capital Region


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U.S. Department of the Interior
Public Short Bio
Kelly Kim is a Senior Recruitment Specialist in the Department of the Interior’s Office of Human Capital in Washington, DC. Kelly is responsible for coordinating programs and campaigns to bring awareness to DOI's human capital programs and brand the Department as an “Employer of Choice.”

Prior to this role, Kelly coordinated a national AmeriCorps and internship program as the Youth Program Manager with the DOI Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE). She also has experience in community engagement, managing programs, and event coordination for museums and non-profits.

Kelly is a native Southern Californian and now calls Northern Virginia home. She received a B.A. in Public Administration from California State University Fullerton.
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Region 5 - Capital Region
  • US Department of Interior (FAPAC-DOI)

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