Hotel Information(Group Rate - GSA Per Diem CUT OFF - April 27, 2018) Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel
Check-in/Check-outCheck in is at 3:00 pm on arrival day and check out is at 12:00 noon on departure day. |
TransportationHotel DirectionsDownload printable information HERE. Click here to visit the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel’s Map and Transportation page. Getting AroundPentagon City Metro Station
AirportsRonald Reagan National Airport (DCA)Travel Distance: Approximately 8.05 km/5.0 miles Hotel Shuttle
Dulles International Airport (IAD)Travel Distance: Approximately 40.23 km/25.0 miles Options for getting to and from the hotel include: Taxi
Washinton Flyer
Baltimore Washington Intl. Airport (BWI)Travel Distance: Approximately 72.42 km/45.0 miles Options for getting to and from the hotel include: Super Shuttle BWI