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The Student Program is Free to all Students!

2021 NLTP Student Program
Thursday, May 27, 2021  |  12:00 pm - 4:15 pm EST

“Exploring Internships in the Federal Government: Pathways for Students and Young Professionals to Future Careers in the Federal Government”

Please register using your school e-mail address (.edu)

About the Event

While the event this year will be hosted virtually, we are pleased to be able to still offer the Student Program completely free* to our participants! We have intentionally designed the programming to be engaging and foster dialogue on important issues related to personal and career development.

This year, we will introduce a few of the myriad of agencies and internship opportunities that exist in the U.S. federal government. The hundreds of Federal agencies and commissions that make up the United States government are responsible for so much – from protecting the health of Americans, preserving the forests, ensuring the safety of the country’s borders, to advancing the general welfare of the American people. To see a full listing of Federal Agencies, Departments and Commissions, visit

Our talented and authentic speakers and panelists are thrilled to join us! They will talk about their own career journeys, offer their expertise and insight into various topics, and will reflect on the highs and lows of their choices which have led them to where they are. The speakers have lived the challenges that students and young professionals face as they make decisions about their futures and will authentically share their stories with you.

The program includes a plenary opening session, concurrent panels introducing internship pathways throughout the Federal Government and a workshop on the steps needed to prepare for an internship in the federal government.


We know it is not going to be easy (because they are all so awesome!), but the three panels will be running concurrently, so choose the one you plan to attend wisely!




12:00-1:00PM EST

Visit the Exhibitor Hall

Take this time to visit the great vendors in the Exhibitor Hall, and familiarize yourself with the online conference platform

1:00-1:30PM EST

Welcome and Opening Keynote

An exclusive one-on-one interview with NASA Astronaut and Indian-American, Raja Chari



We know it is not going to be easy (because they are all so awesome!), but the three panels will be running concurrently,
so choose the one you plan to attend wisely!


Panel A:

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Panel

Hear from our panelists as they discuss how their STEM internship has created new opportunities and taught them about innovations happening in the government to improve the lives of others. Some have even used their internship opportunity to prepare for their medical school application process!

Panelists are current or recent interns from agencies such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and more!


Panel B:

Humanities and Business

There are so many internship opportunities for business, humanities, social science and arts majors to discover in the Federal Government. Our panelists are looking forward to sharing insider information with you about how to seek out “lesser-known” opportunities!

Our panelists will talk about their experiences interning for the White House Asian American and Pacific Islander Initiative (WHIAAPI), the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Internship Program, and more!


Panel C:

Off the Beaten Path

This panel isn’t for the leftovers! This may be the most exciting panel yet with panelists discussing their experience in the Peace Corps, as an ORISE Fellow and as a contractor serving the federal government as a client! Join this panel to find out something you did not know before. You will walk away with new information – guaranteed!





Finding Your Fit: Internships & Entry-Level Jobs for Students

Presented by Glorimar Maldonado, Diversity Program Manager, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Ready to explore possible career options or make your mark in the world? In this dynamic workshop, learn what internship/fellowship options are available to you as a current student or the entry-level career paths that can propel you forward into the next phase of your life. Moreover, glean additional insights into the virtual internship and work experience, writing a strong personal statement, building a personal brand, and preparing your resume and supplemental documents for review by a selection committee. By the end of the hour, you’ll have a better understanding about what internship/fellowship and career opportunities are available, and the skills and knowledge needed to successfully navigate the find, apply and interview process.

Read Glorimar’s biography HERE

Ideal Conference Participants:

  • High school students
  • Community college students
  • College students
  • Recent graduates
  • Professionals considering a career switch and want to be exposed to internship pathways
  • Parents of students are always welcome!

Get to Know the Presenters!

Leading up to May 27th, we will update this section with biographies of our speakers and panelists. Get to know and learn about our presenters, so that you can come prepared for discussion!


Panel Moderator




Click to learn more!

Panel A:


David Wei, PhD

Riya Dange

Liling Lee

Amy Huynh

Panelist Biographies


Panel B:

Humanities and Business

Catherine Yu

Rebecca Soo

Brian Buhr, MMS

Liz San

Panelist Biographies 

Panel C:

Off the Beaten Path

Caroline Goon, MS, MBA

Paul McClelland, MD

Judie Kuo, MPS

Arshya Gurbani, MA

Panelist Biographies 

FAPAC is a 501 (c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the civilian and military Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments.
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