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Chapter Guidelines

(Latest Amended of this Guide –Feb 2023) [Previous edition September 2010]


SECTION 1, Membership/Affiliation

1.1 Individual Application:

Any Federal, State, City government employees, regardless of tenure or type of appointment, and without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age or physical condition, may elect to become a member of the Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC). Members must recognize and support the identified goals and objectives of the local chapter. Members must first join the National Chapter to be recognized as a FAPAC Member. The membership fee to join the FAPAC National as shown below: [posted on the website at www//]

Membership level

  • Regular Membership (Current Government Employee) - $36.00(USD)
    Subscription period: 1 year No recurring payments Current government employee
  • Lifetime Regular Membership (Current Government Employee) -$300.00 (USD)
    Subscription period: Unlimited Current government employee
  • Associate Membership (Retirees & Non-Government) - $24.00 (USD)
    Subscription period: 1 year No recurring payments Non-government employee or retired government employee
  • Lifetime Associate Membership (Retirees & Non-Government) - $150.00 (USD)
    Subscription period: Unlimited Non-government employee or retired government employee

1.2 Chapter Application

  1. A group of federal government agency employees consisting of ten (10) or more current or prospective members in a local geographic regional area may join to form an affiliate local chapter.

    The application must include the following:

    1. Name of the proposed local chapter
    2. Full name, title, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of applicant
    3. Name of the employing Government Agency
    4. A list containing names, addresses, agency affiliation, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of all members and Executive Board Members
    5. A copy of the proposed local Chapter by-laws
    6. A list of long and near terms Chapter goals
    7. Local financial resources and requirements. If the organization is already in existence, a copy of immediate past treasurer report should be submitted.
    8. The dates, location, and number of member attendees in last two meetings (if the organization is already in existence)
    The complete application package should be submitted to the following:
    Federal Asian Pacific American Council Attn: Membership Chair
    P.O. Box 23184
    Washington, D.C. 20026-3184
  2. Prospective Affiliate Chapters must agree to support the existing Constitution of the FAPAC. However, each local chapter MUST develop its own by-laws to achieve its goals and objectives based on collaboration and consensus.
  3. For the purpose of uniformity and keeping distinct chapter identity with the National FAPAC organization, each Chapter will report to its regional headquarters as designated. Regional headquarters are established based on geographic location where there are a large number of memberships. An application to form an affiliate chapter will be reviewed by the National Chapter Committee (see Application Form). Once all requirements are met, the Committee will recommend to the FAPAC National Board of Directors for final approval and implementation. Any prospective applicant must submit all necessary supporting documents along with the application for approval (see Checklist)

Section 2, Chapter Administration

  1. 2.1 After receiving its affiliate Charter status, each new established Chapter will submit the following to the Chair of the National Chapter Committee, or the designated committee staff member:
    1. a. A list of elected officers, and their designations,
    2. b. Date, time, and place of their planned monthly meetings, and
    3. c. A list of its projected activities for the fiscal year.
  2. 2.2 The affiliate chapter should develop a plan to promote the objectives of the National FAPAC within the frame work of FAPAC Constitution and should plan to promote a continuous publicity strategy and campaign that are conducive to the growth of the organization and fostering credibility within the local Federal Government community.
  3. 2.3 The President of each Chapter should write to the Heads of each agency in its geographical area to inform them about the formation of the Chapter. The letter should contain the objectives of the Chapter, a list of all elected officials with their organizational designations, a description of its affiliation with the National FAPAC and a copy of FAPAC Constitution and By-laws.
  4. 2.4 The National FAPAC President should take the opportunity to invite the agency to support the Chapter financially and with any other available resources. As a courtesy the President may also extend an invitation to the agency head(s) or any other appropriate officials to speak or visit the Chapter during its meetings or activities. It should be recognized that developing an agency support is essential to promote strong chapter in local areas.
  5. 2.5 The Chair of the National Chapter Committee may identify and designate a mentor, if requested to assist the newly formed chapter in becoming established and progressive. 
  6. 2.6 Each chapter should continue its efforts to recruit new members and these members must be a National member and should be provided with copies of the FAPAC Constitution & Bylaws, Chapter By-laws, and a list of elected officials and committees. 2.7 Each chapter should conduct monthly meetings according to the established bylaws. The attendance of members should be recorded and made part of minutes of monthly meetings. The Chapter will send monthly meeting minutes to the Chair for National Chapter or designated staff member every month by e-mail, fax or both.
  7. 2.8 Quarterly, the Chapter President shall submit an accomplishment report summarizing the Chapter activities and a list of current members by the last day of each quarter. This list shall include the new paid members not included in the previous report for the purpose of fee reimbursement to the Chapter.
  8. 2.9 Routinely a teleconference may be arranged with the Chapter Chair, Chapter President, or a teleconference membership meeting may be held at least semiannually/annually with the FAPAC National Board of Directors
  9. 2.10 An active communication should be maintained to accord a chapter and its participating members and active membership status with the FAPAC.
  10. 2.11 If chapters are found not in compliance with the FAPAC Chapter Guidelines and/or inactive, FAPAC may revoke their recognition (FAPAC Constitution, Article V, Membership, Section 6).

Section 3, Voting Rights

3.1 Until further notice, each chapter will be under a Regional Director who will represent the Chapter to the National FAPAC National Board of Directors. The Regional Director for the respective geographical area will be nominated and elected by the Officers and the election will be coincide with the National Election and the Regional Director is elected for a 2-year term, starting a fiscal year in Oct and ending in Sep.

Section 4, Chapter Finances and Resources

4.1 Each chapter shall be self supporting and must identify local resources or methods to
raise funds for its activities. The National FAPAC will provide “seed money” after the
Chartering of the new Chapter and may assist chapters by providing them with the limited
funding and informational resources such as booklets containing the FAPAC Constitution
and By-laws. The creative planning, including the presentation of training courses and
seminars, art and cultural displays, food sampling and any other appropriate activities may
provide viable alternatives for raising funds.
4.2 The chapter officers, both the President and the treasurer, shall ascertain the integrity of
the financial records of their chapters. All pertinent transactions shall be appropriately
recorded and audited. An annual report of chapter financial status (from January 1, to
December 31 of the preceding year) shall be submitted to the national FAPAC by the end
of February each year.

Section 5, Special Events:

5.1 Each chapter is encouraged to participate in the annual FAPAC National Leadership
Training Conference, which is held annually during the month of May as the premier
activity of the national organization. This conference provides an opportunity for officers
and members of all chapters to meet and discuss issues of mutual interest exhibit and bring
forward matters of interest to FAPAC. All chapter members are encouraged to send
members to attend.
5.2 Each chapter is encouraged to submit a bid to be the host of the National Conference or
a Regional Conference when the chapter has demonstrated its stability and growth and
shown that it can meet its established goals. The bidding for such a privilege will be
competitive, and held each year at the National Conference. It may be for two to three
years in advance in order to provide a preparation period for the selected chapter and its
respective host city.
The selection process will be determined at the National level.
Interested city officials who want to host a Regional FAPAC conference may accompany
chapter officials for bidding as part of the team and make separate presentation.
5.3 The host Regional Chapter and National FAPAC shall share the proceeds after all
financial obligations are met for holding the conference. The division of proceeds shall be
agreed upon between the host Regional, and National FAPAC before the conference takes
place. With the anticipated rapid growth of chapters, it is recognized that the planning of
regional conferences may become a necessity.
However, such conferences shall not be held
until it is determined that they will be practical, productive and adequately, funded.
5.4 In addition to supporting the National and Regional FAPAC issues, each chapter should
work diligently to develop new initiatives that will be beneficial for each region and
subsequently help implement the initiatives at the national level.

For more information, please contact:

Thanh Trang
Chair, Chapter Committee 

FAPAC is a 501 (c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the civilian and military Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments.
Copyright ©2024 FAPAC •  P.O. Box 23184, Washington, D.C. 20026-3184

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