Each member shall uphold the vision and objectives of FAPAC as expressed in its Constitution and Bylaws. It is incumbent upon each member to behave honorably in representing FAPAC at all organization activities and to avoid engaging in any transaction that may come in conflict with the interest of FAPAC.
As a FAPAC member, we know that excellence in leadership and training is the focus of FAPAC. But ethics – in word and action – are also an important part of leadership and training.
All FAPAC programs, activities, chapters and members must set the highest ethical requirements, focusing on a standard of excellence that reflects credit on the organization as a whole.
Members must not use any form of communication in a neither derogatory or personally damaging way, nor conduct or condone any programs, publications or activities that are offensive or in poor taste or otherwise considered detrimental to the organization’s best interests. In addition, no such person or entity may create any newsletter or other publication that contains defamatory remarks, malicious and derogatory charges or false or libelous statements.
No FAPAC member may assist, invite or condone any conduct which has the purpose or effect of interfering in the programs, proceedings or affairs of FAPAC National or its chapters.
Each local chapter is responsible for maintaining high ethical standards. If at any time the actions of a member to include local chapter members conflict with the basic principles, ideals or standards of FAPAC National, the member may be subject to suspension or expulsion by FAPAC National. Other appropriate action may also be taken.
The FAPAC Code of Conduct presents the core values of FAPAC and, more broadly, provides the standard for professional behavior and a guide to fundamental values and beliefs that is vital to the integrity of the organization as a whole. FAPAC serves the Asian Pacific community’s interest by acting as responsible advocates for those we represent.
This Code applies to all FAPAC officers and members to include local chapters in good standing. The Code is designed to be a useful guide for FAPAC officials and members as they carry out their duties and responsibilities as outlined in the FAPAC Constitution and By-Laws. FAPAC is committed to operating and adhering to all ethical and good business practices.
The value of the ethical conduct of officers and members is important in the pursuit of excellence in its service to its clients by exhibiting professional behavior and ethical conduct. The FAPAC Executive Board retains the right to bar or expel an officer or a member from membership who has been duly sanctioned after proper investigation by the Executive Board and the Ethics Committee
Avoid real, potential or perceived conflicts of interest that put’s one’s personal or professional interests in conflict with FAPAC’s goals and objectives thereby undermining the trust of members, clients, employers, and the public.
Avoid actions and circumstances that may appear to compromise the public trust and the good standing of FAPAC, i.e., inappropriate and unprofessional behavior during the FAPAC national conference and/or meetings and workshops.
Report practices that fail to comply with the Code, whether committed by officers or members, to the appropriate authority as outlined in the Standard Operating procedures (SOP) of the FAPAC Ethics Committee.
Be honest and accurate in all communications by protecting and advancing the free flow of accurate and truthful information that is essential to serving FAPAC. Respect all opinions and support the right of free expression.
Build trust with the officers and members by revealing all information needed for responsible decision making.
Act promptly to correct erroneous communications for which the official or member is responsible.
Protect the privacy rights of officers, members, clients, and organizations, by safeguarding confidential information.
Be committed to those we represent, while honoring our obligation to serve the Asian Pacific community and the public interest.
Advance FAPAC through continued professional development, research, education and building understanding, credibility, and relationships among a wide array of institutions and audiences.