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Committees are an essential part of FAPAC's operations and the fulfillment of our mission.  They contribute to its programs/services, strengthen its internal capacity, and increase FAPAC's engagement with stakeholders and members. The National Board of Operations (NBOO) includes nine standing committees established by Article IV of the FAPAC Constitution and Bylaws (Program, Public Relations, Nomination and Election, Affirmative Employment, Membership, Chapter, Conference, Constitution and Bylaws, and Ethics) and five ad hoc committees that are established on a temporary basis at the appointment of the FAPAC President. 

Committee Chairs are appointed and/or reappointed by FAPAC President and serve for a one-year term beginning in October. Chairs may be reappointment for another consecutive term, not to exceed two terms (or two consecutive years with the same committee).  All Chairs are expected to fulfill the objectives of their respective committees, attend monthly meetings, and have an active FAPAC membership. 

Benefits: Have influence and be engaged in the operations of dynamic non-profit that serves the AANHPI community, develop and learn new skills, and network with FAPAC board members and partners.

Program Committee

  • Develop and submit an annual calendar of events for approval by the National Board of Director (NBOD) within 60 days of the appointment to the position and ensure timely posting of events on the FAPAC website.
  • Facilitate activities related to the Career Development Mentoring Program and recruit mentors and mentees to participate in the program.
  • Identify and host personal and professional development opportunities for FAPAC members.


Kelley Timpa

Xiaoping Guan

Public Relations Committee

    • Develop and implement a communications strategy to program FAPAC activities.

    • Propose and implement innovative ideas for targeted outreach and engagement.

    • Identify and maintain a current list of FAPAC stakeholders which may include federal and congressional members, non-profit partners, and other special interests.

    • Work with the NBOD and appropriate Committees to keep FAPAC’s website fresh and relevant.

    Committee Chairs

    Nomination and Election Committee

    • Implement activities to support FAPAC Elections and Special Elections procedures such as collecting nominations for vacant official position, verifying eligibility, and obtaining eligible nominee’s approval in advance of the campaigning period.
    • Prepare a slate of candidates that includes the candidate’s photo, bio, and campaign statement and make it available to all eligible voting members.
    • Coordinate with the Membership Committee to announce a list of eligible voters in accordance with the Constitution & Bylaws.
    • Use approved applications to conduct a virtual election, validate votes, and announce the results of the election

    Committee Chairs

    Affirmative Employment Committee

    • Analyze demographic data of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal workforce.

    • Facilitate the implementation of Executive Orders regarding the employment and advancement of AANHPIs in the Federal and DC governments.

    • Identify opportunities for outreach and recruitment of diverse candidates into federal careers, especially AANHPIs in government.

    • Participate in partnership agreements developed between FAPAC and the Federal and DC governments, including the military.

    • Facilitate training on Federal employment issues relevant to AANHPI employees, including the processing of Equal Employment Opportunity complaints.

    Committee Chairs

    Membership Committee

    • Work in close association with the NBOD, Public Relations Committee, and Chapter Committee to manage FAPAC’s membership program.

    • Develop and implement a strategy to increase member engagement and promote membership.

    • Establish and maintain a membership database and provide regular status reports to the NBOD.

    Committee Chair

    Chapter Committee

    • Work in close association with the NBOD, Public Relations Committee, and Chapter Committee to manage FAPAC’s membership program.

    • Develop and implement a strategy to increase member engagement and promote membership.

    • Establish and maintain a membership database and provide regular status reports to the NBOD

    Committee Chairs

    Conference Committee

    • Plan and implement all events and activities related to the annual National Leadership Training Program (NLTP) under the general guidance of the NBOD.

    • Coordinate with the FAPAC financial team on all NLTP related budget activities.

    • Manage all NLTP program materials, speakers, awards, scholarship, etc. and work with the respective committees (program, PR, chapter, award, community outreach, special events) to accomplish these tasks.

      Committee Chair

      Constitution and Bylaws Committee

      The Constitution and Bylaws committee shall:

      1. Consists of Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership;
      2. Review and propose amendments to the NBOD as needed; and
      3. Interpret the Constitution and Bylaws and process the implemented changes



        • Investigate and resolve all complaints against any Member, Officer, Auditor, Committee Chair, or other affiliated partner. 

        • Ensure that each FAPAC Officer and Committee Chair member completes their agency’s ethics training requirement.

        • Work in close association with the C&B Committee to develop ethics training requirements, procedural guidelines for handling ethical complaints, guidance for disbursing FAPAC funds.

        • Develop guidelines, in coordination with the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, for any member responsible for administering or disbursing FAPAC funds.

        • Base its decisions and recommendations on applicable C&B principles and provisions, established Office of Government Ethics guidelines and Roberts Rules of Order.

        Committee Chairs

        FAPAC is a 501 (c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the civilian and military Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments.
        Copyright ©2024 FAPAC •  P.O. Box 23184, Washington, D.C. 20026-3184

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