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2022-2023 National Board of Operations (NBOO)

All standing committees shall act exclusively, on the basis of the specific authority designated to them by FAPAC membership. The Chairperson of all standing committees shall be appointed and/or reappointed by FAPAC president. The President, in consultation with and/or recommendations from the chairperson of the standing committee, may also appoint a Co-Chair for any Committee as necessary. The term of all standing committees' chairperson and co-chair shall be for one year.

The standing committees provide organizational assistance and contribute towards achieving FAPAC’s established purpose and objectives. Each committee shall serve a specific function in contributing towards such purpose and objectives. The standing committee chairpersons shall coordinate committee functions, notify FAPAC’s Vice President of Operations and the President in advance of scheduled committee meetings, and appoint members of their respective committees.

All Standing Committee descriptions are from Article IV of the FAPAC Constitution and Bylaws

All Ad-hoc temporary Committee descriptions are from the President's Appointment Letters to each Committee Chair.

***Program Committee***

The Program Committee shall:

  1. Consist of a Program Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President, and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership
  2. Develop and submit an annual calendar of events for approval by the National Board of Director (NBOD), and then post on the FAPAC Website;
  3. Be responsible for identifying future issues and projects that will have an impact upon FAPAC, and;
  4. Be responsible for researching, and proposing to the NBOD a plan of action for, each identified issues, and projects.

Committee Chair

Committee Co-Chair

Committee Co-Chair

Committee Co-Chair

***Public Relations Committee***

The Public Relations Committee shall:

  1. Consist of a Public Relation Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership
  2. Publicize all special programs, projects, and major events sponsored by FAPAC
  3. Provide central control for the news media, and;
  4. Coordinate outreach programs

Committee Chair

Committee Co-Chair

***Nomination and Election Committee***

The Nominations and Election Committee shall:

  1. Consist of Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President, the immediate past President, and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership
  2. Receive nominations for office from any member of FAPAC, and obtain nominees’ approval in advance of the election;
  3. Prepare a slate of candidates;
  4. Provide a written list of eligible voters to all active members upon receiving the list from the Membership Committee Chairperson in July;
  5. Distribute the slate of candidates to all members at the July; and
  6. Conduct the election, tally votes, and announce the results of the election at the August meeting.

Committee Chair

***Affirmative Employment Committee***

The Affirmative Employment Committee shall:

  1. Consist of Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President, and other appointees selected by the Committee chairperson from the general membership;
  2. Maintain a candidate referral system;
  3. Coordinate demographic analyses of participation rates of AAPI employees in the workforces of the Federal and DC governments;
  4. Facilitate the implementation of Executive Orders regarding the employment of AAPI in the Federal and DC governments;
  5. Provide updates to lists of AAPI community groups and Asian Serving Institutions of higher education;
  6. Participate in partnership agreements developed between FAPAC and the Federal agencies and DC governments;
  7. Facilitate training on Federal employment issues relevant to AAPI employees; including the processing of Equal Employment Opportunity complaints; and
  8. Otherwise act to further interagency employment opportunities for AAPI.

Committee Chair

Committee Co-Chair

***Membership Committee***

The Membership Committee shall:

  1. Consist of Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership; 
  2. Work in close association with the Chapter Committee;
  3. Develop and carry out a program to promote membership in FAPAC;
  4. Establish and maintain a membership database (or directory) and make it available to membership only after approval from the NBOD; and
  5. Maintain the membership list including Chapters to support FAPAC Activities.

Committee Chair

Committee Co-Chair

***Chapter Committee***

The Chapter Committee shall:

  1. Consist of a Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership;
  2. Develop its agenda and present to the NBOD every year, in the beginning of the term;
  3. Perform its duties to implement its agenda by contacting Chapter’s members encouraging and assisting in the formation of chapters, providing necessary guidance and information as well as monitoring their activities;
  4. Make recommendations necessary for the amendments of the FAPAC Chapter Guidelines; and get approval from the NBOD;
  5. Recognize new Chapters in accordance with the Chapter Guidelines and upon recommendation from the Chapter Committee Chairperson with concurrence from the Vice President of Operations and approval from the President. A certification shall be presented to the newly chartered Chapter by the Chapter Committee Chairperson; and
  6. Work in close association with the Membership Committee

Committee Chair

***Conference Committee***

The Conference Committee shall:

  1. Consist of a Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the chairperson from the general membership; and
  2. Plan and implement all events and activities related to the annual National Leadership Training Program under the general guidance of the NBOD

Committee Chair

***Constitution and Bylaws Committee***

The Constitution and Bylaws committee shall:

  1. Consists of Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership;
  2. Review and propose amendments to the NBOD as needed; and
  3. Interpret the Constitution and Bylaws and process the implemented changes


***Ethics ***

The Ethics committee shall:

  1. Consists of Committee Chairperson appointed by the FAPAC President and other appointees selected by the Committee Chairperson from the general membership;
  2. Investigate and resolve all complaints which allege misfeasance, nonfeasance, and malfeasance in the performance of their duties by any Member, Officer, Auditor, Committee Chair and Member or any member in a position of responsibility in the performance of their duties, with respect to ethical and fiduciary duties;
  3. Work in close association with the Constitution and Bylaws Committee in developing procedural guidelines for handling ethical complaints. At a minimum due notice and an opportunity for a response must be provided to any member charged with an ethical violation or a violation of the ethical principles embodied in the Constitution and Bylaws;
  4. Develop guidelines, in coordination with the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, for any member responsible for administering or disbursing FAPAC funds; and
  5. Base its decisions and recommendations on applicable Constitution and Bylaws principles and provisions, established Office of Government Ethics guidelines and Roberts Rules of Order.

Committee Chair

Committee Co-Chair


The primary responsibilities of this committee are as follows:

  • Lead to monitor the progress of the FAPAC Website and Media Communications
  • Lead in improving FAPAC’s website host information to link the new job site from the community into using the FAPAC web site; and 
  • Lead the development of policies and procedures for via emails and/or correspondence via FAPAC web.

FAPAC is a 501 (c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the civilian and military Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments.
Copyright ©2024 FAPAC •  P.O. Box 23184, Washington, D.C. 20026-3184

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