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Roles and Responsibilities

These are the Duties of the available National Board of Directors (NBOD) and Auditor positions for nominating. These positions have changed from the last election, so be sure to read about the new positions. Further details are found in the Constitution & Bylaws, specifically Bylaws, Article II.  Be sure to read through the updated C&B for all details about being part of the NBOD.

The National Board of Directors (NBOD) meets for monthly NBOD meetings and quarterly National Board of Operations (NBOO) meetings with the Committees. Between these meetings, the NBOD may meet more frequently as needed. All NBOD and Auditor are expected to read, understand, and follow FAPAC's Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.


It shall be the duty of the president, as chief executive officer to:

  1. Prepare the agenda and preside at all FAPAC meetings;
  2. Have overall responsibility for the coordination of all of FAPAC activities;
  3. Serve as the official representative and spokesperson for FAPAC;
  4. Appoint committee chairpersons (as recommended by the Vice President of Operations) and act as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nomination and Election Committee;
  5. Sign, execute and approve agreement(s) and obligation(s), and governing organizational documents and any revisions therein as appropriate and with the additional approval of the NBOD when necessary or required; and
  6. Transfer the necessary documents to the newly elected president no later than October 1 after he/she is sworn-in.


It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:
  1. Keep FAPAC current regarding activities involving AAPI;
  2. Assist the President in the execution of all organizational administration, i.e., financial, strategic planning and other related  responsibilities;
  3. Serve as “acting as” President at the request of the President or upon resignation of the President; and
  4. Transfer the necessary documents to the newly elected Vice-President no later than October 1, after he/she is sworn-in.


It shall be the duty of the Vice-President of Operations to:

  1. Recommend candidates for Standing Committee Chairs for the President’s approval and appointment;
  2. Oversee the operations of all Standing Committees;
  3. Assess the need for ad-hoc committees as FAPAC mission required and make recommendations to the President;
  4. Prepare a record of committee accomplishments annually and submit to the NBOD by end of September each year; and
  5. Transfer the necessary documents to the newly elected Vice President of Operations no later than October 1, after he/she is sworn in.


It shall be the duty of the Vice President of Financial Management to:

  1. Keep FAPAC current regarding financial activities;
  2. Oversee the requirements for quarterly internal and external (as needed) audits;
  3. Provide required financial records to the Treasurer for submission IRS for the yearly Tax Returns by no later than 30 August of each year;
  4. Prepare and submit a financial report to the NBOD during the monthly NBOD meeting, independent of the Treasurer’s report; and
  5. Transfer the necessary documents to the newly elected VPFM no later than October 1, after he/she is sworn-in.


It shall be the duty of the Vice-President of Technology and Media Communications to

  1. Keep FAPAC current regarding updated technology and media communications;
  2. Oversee the operations of the Webmaster(s) and keep FAPAC website updated;
  3. Oversee and assess the need for media communications publicly to meet the mission of FAPAC and make recommendations to the President; and
  4. Transfer the necessary documents to the newly elected VPFM no later than October 1, after he/she is sworn-in.


It shall be the duty of the Executive Secretary to:

  1. Record and maintain minutes of all meetings and disseminate meeting notice and agenda 1 week before the meeting, and subsequently disseminate minutes for the meeting for comments and approval within 1 week of the next meeting;
  2. Maintain all official correspondence and documents of FAPAC in an electronic shared file. Check mail from the organization’s mail box and maintain all official records and documents of FAPAC;
  3. Prepare administrative reports and business correspondence as may be assigned by the president;
  4. Notify the membership of all meetings and functions;
  5. Circulate minutes, agendas, and other pertinent documents;
  6. Establish and maintain membership rosters for official use distribution as approved by the President and other records as needed;
  7. Assess the need for a Recording Secretary and make recommendations to the President as to candidates for appointment; and
  8. Transfer the necessary documents to the newly elected Executive Secretary no later than October 1, subsequent to he/she is sworn-in.


It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:

  1. Receive and collect all funds payable to FAPAC;
  2. Pay all financial obligations of FAPAC, as duly authorized by the NBOD with official delegation to include filing the Yearly Income Tax returns by February each year;
  3. Prepare and submit an annual budget in December;
  4. Keep a clear and accurate record of all of FAPAC receipts and disbursements and coordinate all the necessary documents as required for the quarterly audits with the Audit and the VPFM; and
  5. Present a report on the financial status report independently of the VPFM report of FAPAC to the NBOD at the monthly meetings.


The Auditor is not an officer, but is an independently elected position. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to:

  1. Conduct an impartial and independent audit of FAPAC financial records for the immediate preceding fiscal year, to ensure fiscal accountability. A written audit report of the immediately preceding fiscal year's financial records must be officially submitted to the NBOD in March.


FAPAC shall have five (5) Regions: Capital, Eastern, Western, Northern and Pacific.  The elected officers of the Chapter of each region shall elect a Regional Director and the five Regional Directors are members of the NBOD. The Region Directors shall
  1. serve as the Chapter representatives to the NBOD.

FAPAC is a 501 (c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the civilian and military Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments.
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