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This is the list of FAPAC Newsletters. From 2012 - 2016, they were released quarterly and cover the Fiscal Year. From 2016-2020, the newsletter was a bimonthly release. Beginning 2021, the newsletter will be released quarterly.

Issue Number  Months Covering  Published  Quarterly Submission 
 Issue 1 October - December January Last week December
 Issue 2 January - March April Last week March
 Issue 3 April - JuneJuly Last week June
 Issue 4 July - September October Last week September

Submission Deadlines

FAPAC Article & Submission Guidelines

  • Approximately 100-300 words.
  • Include a title for your article.
  • To submit, e-mail your article to the newsletter editor at
    • All changes to newsletter drafts, recommendations, etc. should also go to this email.
  • Include "Newsletter Submission" in the subject line of your submission email.
  • Include your first name, last name, and a contact e-mail address in the body of your message. Your name (but not your e-mail) will appear in the newsletter (unless you ask to be anonymous).
  • Articles should be sent as an attachment, in either Word (.doc or .docx), plaintext (.txt, use Unicode encoding), or richtext (.rtf) format. Please do not send in .pdf format.
  • Acronyms
    • Spell out all acronyms prior to further use in the article
    • For example, Department of Defense (DOD) and then refer to as DOD going forward
    • All unknown acronyms will be removed
  • Related pictures are highly encouraged to be submitted along with your article.
    • Images must fall into one of these categories: [1] your own work—i.e. you took the photograph; [2] freely licensed; [3] public domain; [4] fair use. (E-mail with any questions.)
    • Attach images to the same e-mail as your article submission.
    • Include a short (1 sentence) caption of each image with known names of individuals in the photo and name of photographer (if known).
  • Each event requires a separate e-mail submission.
    • Please do not group two or more events in a single document as photos and articles may be confused and mismatched.
  • Submissions are subject to editing prior to publication.

FAPAC is a 501 (c)(3) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization representing the civilian and military Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) employees in the Federal and District of Columbia governments.
Copyright ©2024 FAPAC •  P.O. Box 23184, Washington, D.C. 20026-3184

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